Tuesday 29 September 2015

A Pregnant Woman Rests in Bed While Cradling Her Stomach

A pregnant woman may be advised by a healthcare professional to undergo a period of bed rest for her own safety, as well as the unborn child’s.

With Surrogacy Clinics, Infertility is No Longer a Concern

Thanks to the availability of surrogacy clinics, infertility is no longer an issue that sometimes prevents couples from welcoming children into the world and raising them to adulthood.

In the past, it was often necessary for parents to travel outside the United States if they wished to find a gestational surrogate. However, there are now many reputable surrogacy clinics in the United States. In California, the future parents’ names are listed on a birth certificate, so the surrogate will not be mentioned as the mother. That legislation is especially handy for avoiding potential legal complications.

Surrogacy clinics also give future parents great access to reliable surrogates. Sometimes, people decide to let friends or relatives carry children to term. That situation can be successful in some cases, but it can also cause unintended drama and relational strain.

At most surrogacy clinics, all surrogates must go through physical and mental screenings to ensure they are fit for the stresses of carrying and birthing a child. They usually have to meet certain body weight standards and be non-smokers, too.

Even when parents use gestational surrogates, they still have full biological ties to the children. That’s because sperm and eggs from the parents are used to create the embryo with in-vitro fertilization. The gestational surrogate is merely the vessel that carries the child until its birth.

Therefore, if a woman wants to get pregnant but has been warned about possible risks because she has certain medical issues that may complicate a pregnancy, a gestational surrogate is a wonderful solution.

Surrogacy centers also commonly have many methods of support surrogates can use. For example, they’re commonly assigned caseworkers that communicate with the hospital and clarify that the woman is a surrogate. This ensures a smooth process when it’s time for the baby to be born.

Gestational surrogates also may have the option of attending periodic group meetings with other surrogate moms so they can share their experiences. These perks help the surrogate feel equipped for the full pregnancy and relieve the future parents from any potential burdens.

Frequently, wellness programs are offered to the gestational surrogates. These may include things like relaxation coaching and massage. Then, future parents can feel confident their gestational surrogates are able to access stress management assistance during their pregnancies.

As you can see, surrogacy clinics are excellent solutions for couples that cannot naturally conceive, but still want to be parents. Click here to learn more about a surrogacy clinic in San Diego.

Fertility and Cancer: Understanding Your Options

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are considering a treatment plan, it is imperative that you discuss your fertility options with your healthcare team as soon as possible… read more

What is Surrogacy Tourism?

When couples wish to become parents but are unable to do so naturally, they may rely on surrogacy tourism. It involves going outside of a local area for the purpose of finding a gestational surrogate mother who is willing to carry children to term for future parents.

Some specific reasons why couples may rely on surrogacy tourism include:

  • Surrogacy is not an accepted practice in their home countries
  • They have not been able to find accepted suitable surrogates locally
  • If it is less expensive to travel elsewhere to find a surrogate than to use local agencies
Women who act as gestational surrogates and are involved in surrogacy tourism usually must meet minimum health requirements and go through mental and physical screenings to ensure they are fit for carrying children. Furthermore, they often have access to supportive resources such as group meetings with other surrogates, and pre-natal massage sessions.

Beneficial for the Gestational Surrogates

Surrogacy tourism doesn’t just allow infertile couples to experience the joy of parenthood. It can also be a method for gestational surrogates to earn income by agreeing to bear children, all while knowing they’re doing something that will have life-changing benefits for the eventual parents.

If you’re curious about whether surrogacy tourism could help you become a parent, the first step involves reaching out to an agency. Click here to find a surrogate in San Diego.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Family Building Options

If you or a loved one is struggling to build a family, you need to know there are many roads you can take to find a resolution. Use this section to understand all the options you have... read more

Build a Relationship with Your Child

The bond between a parent and child is one of the strongest relationships you’ll ever know. Children who grow up with warm, caring parents do well in school and exhibit less aggressive behavior. 

FAQs about Surrogacy

Surrogacy is becoming much more common to help couples and singles become parents. It does have a high success rate when done properly, but people have many questions about the process.

Who Is Eligible to Use Surrogacy?

There are no restrictions on surrogacy for married or unmarried couples. Even single individuals can use gestational surrogacy as a method to have their own child. Gay and lesbian couples have become parents through this process, with the courts upholding their rights through the Uniform Parentage Act.

Who Are the Baby’s Parents?

Provided that you’ve followed the rule in California, when the baby is born, the people named as the “Intended Parents” in the paperwork immediately become the legal parents of the child. There is no adoption process or waiting period. There is a contract in place with the surrogate as well as a court order that provides for this legal status.

What About Donor Eggs or Sperm?

Even when the intended parents have used donor eggs or sperm, the potential child still is designated as the baby of the parents, not the surrogate. The legalities of using donated eggs or sperm is handled in the paperwork, with the surrogate simply acting as a gestational host.

When choosing surrogacy, it’s important to work with a medical and legal team who understand this process. Don’t leave anything to chance by not having an experienced advocate on your side. California is a surrogacy-friendly state, but it relies on you following their rules to receive the protection of the law. To get more information about egg donation in El Cajon, visit this website.